New Garden!

Still trying to figure out where to put everything for 2019. There’s so much more space here!

Since there are 2 vacant lots where houses were demo’d in the past, the soil there is not safe to eat fresh veggies. I’m going to have to plan out some new raised beds for healthy food, but it’s a fun new challenge!! 🙂

All the vacant houses around us can get a little…overgrown. Hopefully we can also take care of those yards a little bit more this year to keep the neighborhood from turning into a jungle of weeds. We actually have one house next to us that has people living in it, and they are pretty rad. Even though most of the houses here are vacant and falling down, this is the friendliest community I have ever lived in!


Basement Bathroom

So there’s been a small problem in the bathroom in the basement…the sink was leaking pretty bad…all the freakin’ time. So I shut the water off to the sink, which then also had the unfortunate side effect of also shutting off water to the toilet.

Whenever anyone wanted to use the basement toilet, they had to turn the water back on to flush it. That worked ok, until the handle to the valve broke, and then the water needed to be shut off with a wrench attached to the valve. One thing after another, lol.

I finally decided it was time to try and fix it…I ordered a new sink to replace the old one, and spent a couple days trying to install it. Normally, installing a sink isn’t a big deal, but every pipe down there was rusted and broke on me. Pretty sad. But…

the sink is in, the toilet is working, and I’m happy. 🙂

I plan on calling a plumber to eventually update the plumbing down there so the toilet is on it’s own line, separate from the sink. But for now, this works! 🙂

Stairs, Finally Done!

It took a bunch of weekends, but I did it! This was a ton of work, but totally worth it! 🙂

Check it out!

Stairway…to the second floor

I decided to pull off the carpet from my stairs and second landing a few weeks ago. I had no idea how big the project was going to be until the carpet was off. There was so much dirt under the carpet, I decided I’m never putting it down again. Pretty gross!!!

After I pulled out a million tacks and hammered down some old nails, I realized the floor underneath wasn’t terrible, but still needs a lot of work. I swept up the dirt about 50 times, and then painted the risers white, to look a little better.

Now I’m working on sanding. And it’s taking forreevveerrrrrr! I have a square hand sander that kicks up so much dust, I have to do it in short increments. Once I’m done with that, I’m going to put on a couple poly coats — not too interested in staining it, since it’ll match the rest of the hardwood with just the poly. I’ll post more pictures when I get further!

Spring moves forward

This garden is built on hardwork, perseverance,  and lots of dog poo! 😂

I spend a lot of time in my garden. Over the years, I’ve learned to forget about selfish people, like my old ex who left to look a fool with a gimmicky life and fake personality. I learned to appreciate my friends for their truth and honesty (even if I don’t want to hear it). I learned to take advantage of every opportunity given to me, because I might never get that chance again. And I’ve learned that life moves forward, no matter how much I want it to stay in one spot.

My garden for the most part stays the same, but little changes come and go every year. It keeps it interesting, and I love it more and more every year. 😄😊


First Spring Plantings ’16

I’m a little late with my plantings this year. I got mostly everything in, but am going to wait on the tomatoes for another week, since it looks like the nights are still going to get a little chilly the next few days.

I’m not sure anyone can ever be whole again from separation from a loved one, but I can at least fill the void with plants and greenery 🙂

Hopefully it’s a nice summer and I can try some cucumbers again — I think I can get it this time!!